Friday, January 14, 2011


Truly the "End of an Era"... bought brand new in 1993 by Mom and Dad, the ol' Astro is sold and will be "parted out".

As a Minnesota Winter vehicle, it would be hard to beat this one... all wheel drive and anti-lock disc brakes. With decent tires, this van would "tank" through any slush or snow with ease!

With only about 120,000 miles, it was past it's prime and has been having some system failures for the last year.... one thing or another. It was time to let go...

Worth more used as parts than it would be repaired and sold, the recyclers came and lifted it away and paid us well for it. Awesome service!

We've had more snow, fluffy flakes, fierce cold, powdery snow, bright Sun, and more snow than any Winter I've been in Brainerd. oh yeah, lots of snow!

The roads, intersections and side streets are in terrible driving condition... hard-pack slush and glare ice coated. No excuses necessary to stay in and hibernate, the less driving around possible, the better.

Peggy and I have watched a few movies, enjoyed good soups and food and kind of kicked back and relaxed the last couple weeks.. we watched "Dinner for Schmucks" last night and it is hilarious! It reminded me of the madcap comedies of the sixties and early seventies like Peter Sellers and others, a real hoot!

We've not yet tried our new snow shoes, with long hours at work and treacherous roads, we've been content knowing that we'll "get to it" when the time is right. Right now it is a game to just keep the driveway clear and the street end clear after plows come by.

Hooked on "Crunchy Jumbles" cookies, I'll be baking another batch soon. Chili is on the agenda now, we finished up the yellow pea and ham chowder, and the spicy chicken barley stew with vegies... good food to keep the glow going with this awesome Winter we're having.

I've had blood-work done and a new MRI this week, an appointment with an Orthopedic Specialist will see how to "tune-up" my lower back coming soon..... geesh!

We are enjoying Life and Love this Winter as the snow continues to fall, content to hibernate and "just be" for a while.


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