Monday, February 7, 2011

A break in the Winter with the boys

What could be a better way to break out of the Winter doldrums than an auditorium full of motorcycles and good people?

6 a.m. Saturday morning, 10 of us left Brainerd in the Chapel Bus and headed south to downtown Minneapolis. Destination? The Progressive International Motorcycle Show.

We stopped in Saint Cloud for coffee and a snack then back on the foggy road south...

We parked the bus and entered the arena.. we beat the crowd and I got to take a little trip down the road on a customized Harley with Flo the Progressive Insurance gal. No bugs on this run, the weather was perfect and we rode a few miles through the woods... oh yeah!

After a couple hours of wandering, slack-jawed at all the beautiful machines, the Convention Center really started to fill up. Our group, with different favorites and interests split up with a spot to meet 4 hours later, it was fun to bump into each other through the day and see what was going on with them.

This beast is the definition of "OVER KILL". A Boss Hoss, customized with a 502 ci engine and nitrous injection boosters giving it up to 700+ horsepower! I'm not certain how one would control all that power and the machine weighs 1100 lbs or more.. at $50,000+ I didn't even check my account balance before deciding this one wasn't for me. Yup, over kill.

Now THIS ONE however, hmmmmm.

This is the new Victory Cross Roads in red. It has a newly designed aluminum frame incorporating the engine air intake... it is a bit lower than our Kingpin, and has a lower center of gravity... very comfortable, and with the Freedom 106 engine would be awesome to ride. Great back rests available for Peggy too!

It was fun to meet up with the dealers that we bought our Kingpin from in Brainerd at the booth, easily the best display booth of any make at the show.

If I rode alone, or money was absolutely no object, this would be the Victory for me. The HammerS. I love the mat-finish retro-red and black paint scheme. With the Stage One performance kit on it (the one we also have now on our Kingpin) would roar down the road with authority... this is what I think a motorcycle should look like!

We all loaded up with "freebies" and entered lots of contests. The bus ride back was great as we compared information and what was in our "goodie bags".

Peggy and I have been working on our Wedding Pictures, still arranging and getting our album "just right" and having fun looking at them all. We also got a great DVD of our wedding last week, after it had been "tweaked" and had titles put on. Wow, was that an experience to watch, the music was fabulous and the experience was very romantic.

I'm getting primed to be Chef again. Our Chapel, as a romantic fundraiser, is hosting a big Valentines Dinner for couples. We've got the menu planned and the crew will meet later this week to buy the groceries and then prep on Saturday for the Sunday evening affair! Oh Yeah!

Life is overflowing with Love and Blessings as we get through this Winter, looking forward to Spring and another season of fun adventures!


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